
16mm Directory needs your support. By providing easy access to often difficult-to-locate information, the 16mm Directory creates a new level of efficiency for independent filmmakers, film educators and students, film programmers, as well as individuals and businesses involved in the film industry.

Supporting the Directory will help with on-going maintenance as well as increase the amount of content.

SPONSORSHIP (Business and Organization)

The 16mm Directory needs annual sponsors to assist in covering operating costs. The information in the directory is available at no charge, however sponsorship is necessary to keep the directory available as well as up-to-date.

By supporting the directory, Sponsors reach students, filmmakers, and film enthusiasts with their products and services. For educational institutions, the directory provides exposure for your educational program and supplemental materials for students enrolled in your program.

Sponsorship Guidelines »

Sponsorship $300/year

DONATIONS (Individuals)

Individuals wishing to support the directory can do so through a recommended $25 donation. Please note, your contribution is NOT tax-exempt.

Sponsored by

  • Regional Arts & Culture Council
  • University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
  • CalArts - School of Film/Video